Also on the rise: Phoenix solar market could be brought back to life. Owners of distributed solar and distributed storage may soon earn money from participating in wholesale markets through an aggregator. Hyperlight licenses design of plastic CSP receiver from NREL. Fire at Vistra’s Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility not caused by battery. Mississippi Power issues RFP seeking 200MW of solar. Cybersecurity specialist offers considerations for renewable power plants. Massachusetts community solar to provide electricity bill credits to low-income subscribers

Sunrise brief: Ford, Sunrun to backup solar homes with the electric F-150 truck when the grid goes down
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It’s okay to break tradition. Today’s electricity needs are more sophisticated than ever, making traditional power a thing of the past. Switching to solar helps you get with the times while saving the planet.
Traditional power has adverse environmental effects from the coal and natural gases combusted during production. Solar offers all of the power with no extra cost and no harmful polutions..
Rather than digging up fossil fuels, solar energy is clean power from the sun - a renewable fuel source that won't go out in our lifetime. Every kW lowers your carbon footprint by over 3K pounds annually.