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Sol Systems enters into solar panel recycling agreement with SolarCycle

Sol Systems has agreed to recycle any end-of-life or damaged solar panels through SolarCycle. The solar contractor safely recycled panels from a community solar array in Nebraska that were damaged by extreme weather earlier this year with SolarCycle.

SolarCycle’s proprietary technology extracts vital materials such as silver, silicon, copper, aluminum and glass from solar panels. This allows them to divert high-value materials from landfills and enables the recovery of up to 95% of the value of recycled panels. Extracted materials are then refined and reintroduced into the domestic supply chain, bolstering the commitments of both Sol Systems and SolarCycle to reduce environmental impact, contribute to a circular economy and enhance sustainability in solar energy production.

“What SolarCycle can do is groundbreaking, and it aligns with Sol Systems’ dedication to sustainability and innovation, especially as solar installations rapidly increase and the need for better end-of-life solutions for solar panels becomes more urgent,” said Eugene Rhee, Associate Vice President of Performance Engineering at Sol Systems.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s research suggests that by 2040, recycled panels and materials could meet 25 to 30% of the United States’ domestic solar manufacturing needs. Recycled modules can become a valuable source of materials for domestic manufacturing, reducing America’s vulnerability to supply disruptions and ensuring the protection of workers and the environment.

“Sol Systems is helping to lead the way and usher in a new era of clean energy, by ensuring that their solar panels get a new life after they have been decommissioned,” said Jesse Simons, Chief Commercial Officer and Co-Founder of SolarCycle “We are thrilled to be working with their team on our shared mission to make solar even more sustainable, and we look forward to recycling their solar panels for many years to come.”

News item from SolarCycle


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