In opposition to a 75% cut of utility payments for excess rooftop solar customer production, California residents, environmental activists, and renewable energy workers will hold rallies across the state on Thursday, December 1, calling on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and Gov. Gavin Newsom to keep rooftop solar growing and affordable.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is expected to vote on the proposed Net Energy Metering (NEM) 3.0 in mid-December. The proposed decision lowers the value of net metering by as much as 76%, a change that has been heavily criticized by the solar industry.
Net metering is the process by which utilities pay rooftop solar owners for exporting electricity back to the grid, and it has been a key part of launching California’s bustling rooftop solar industry, which represents roughly 50% of the U.S. market.
Currently, average net metering rates range from $0.23 per kWh to $0.35 per kWh, and the new proposed decision cuts those rates to an average of $0.05 per kWh to $0.08 per kWh.
The proposed decision comes after a year of rulemaking battles waged between investor-owned utilities and rooftop solar advocates, including environmentalists, employment and labor groups, small businesses, and concerned citizens. This June, a similar rally was held to strike down a proposed fixed charge to solar customers, a policy that was maligned as “a tax on the sun.” The provision was successfully removed, but the revised proposal still contains provisions that are significantly damaging to the value of local, clean energy.
“We urge Governor Newsom and the CPUC to make further adjustments to help more middle- and working-class consumers as well as schools and farms access affordable, reliable, clean energy,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, executive director of the California Solar and Storage Association (CALSSA).

Rallies are to be held in 10 cities across California to call for more supportive rooftop solar policy.
Each rally will feature a diverse array of speakers from across the Save California Solar coalition including environmental advocates, energy consumers, faith leaders, students, and more.
“If we want to protect the environment, our climate, and our health, we must keep rooftop solar growing and continue incentivizing the growth of clean, renewable energy across California,” said Laura Deehan, state director, Environment California.