
PNC Bank signs 80 MW power purchase agreement with Mammoth Solar

The second announced PPA for the project will help the bank to power nearly 50% of its legacy operations in the Mid-Atlantic with renewable electricity.

Constellation Energy said it has signed another long-term renewable supply agreement for electricity generated by the Mammoth Central solar project, announcing a 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with PNC Bank.

According to constellation, the PPA is for 78 MW of energy from the 600 MW Mammoth Central solar project, the third and final phase of Doral Renewables LLC’s Mammoth Solar project in Starke and Pulaski counties in Indiana. PNC will receive roughly 148 million kWh of energy per year, which it will use to power nearly 50% of its legacy operations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, District of Columbia, and parts of Illinois.

“This collaboration with Constellation is an exciting next step toward meeting our environmental goals of reaching 100% renewable purchased electricity by 2025 and reducing carbon emissions and energy use 75% by 2035,” said Kate Zettl, vice president and energy manager with PNC Bank’s Realty Services.

In 2021, PNC shares that it purchased enough renewable energy and affiliated credits to meet 46% of the company’s purchased electricity use.

In total, the Mammoth solar project, which also includes the Mammoth North, Mammoth Solar I, and Mammoth Solar II installations, will amount to 1.3 GW once the project is completed. The Mammoth Central project is expected to be completed in late 2024.

In addition to PNC, Constellation announced in June that Bank of America signed on for a 15-year, 160 MW power and renewable energy credit supply agreement with Mammoth Central. That deal is expected to cover 17% of Bank of America’s global annual energy consumption.

Constellation says that it has two unannounced PPAs remaining for the Mammoth Central project, with these agreements totaling 62 MW. These purchases in total will cover 300 MW of the Mammoth facility’s planned 600 MW of capacity.

Mammoth Solar I, meanwhile, has a long-term PPA in place with utility AEP Energy, a unit of American Electric Power for the entirety of its 480 MW capacity. Mammoth Solar 1 is expected to reach commercial operation by the second quarter of 2023. It will sell energy into the PJM market.


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