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Honeywell releases new virtual power plant control system

Honeywell has introduced its Experion Energy Control System’s new virtual power plant (VPP) functionality that enables users to dispatch a network of distributed energy resources (DERs) such as wind generating units, storage systems and solar projects through a centralized control process. By centralizing the dispatching process, users can optimize their operations and create sufficient capacity to participate in a variety of energy markets that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Using the Experion Energy Control System’s VPP capability, resource owners can unlock power, capacity and revenue from their energy assets, such as DERs, while minimizing costs. The solution allows customers to monitor, forecast and coordinate in order to manage and improve the usage of energy assets in response to market conditions. Moreover, the remote management functionality comes integrated within the Experion Energy Control System, meaning existing users do not need to install any additional equipment to begin using it.

Suitable for a range of users including utilities, commercial and industrial site operators and independent power producers, the solution allows for autonomous control and flexibility over when users buy and use energy.

For example, during intermittent weather conditions such as when the sun sets or clouds over, or when the wind stops blowing, users can automate when they choose to deploy energy reserves. Resource owners can also “revenue stack” or access additional revenue streams from resources such as wholesale energy markets or demand response programs. System operators can use the power aggregated by VPPs to provide ancillary services as well.

“This new capability allows resource owners to maximize every renewable energy resource they have and ultimately make the most of their assets,” said Ujjwal Kumar, president & CEO of Honeywell Process Solutions. “As the energy landscape changes, so must our approach to delivering meaningful solutions to our customers. Honeywell’s VPP offering is one of the many ways we are driving change throughout the power sector and helping our customers meet their sustainability goals through a robust portfolio of ready-now solutions.”

News item from Honeywell




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