Wanaque Public Schools in New Jersey and Greenskies Clean Focus energized 390 kW of new solar projects on two of the district’s schools.

Pfister Energy installed a 140 kW solar array atop Haskell Elementary School. Greenskies Clean Focus
Greenskies partnered with Pfister Energy, a commercial solar developer and EPC contractor based in Hawthorne, who installed solar panels on the roofs at Wanaque Elementary School (250 kW) and Haskell Elementary School (140 kW).
“Greenskies is excited to support the Wanaque school system by installing on-site solar to provide stable energy costs for years to come,” said Stanley Chin, president and CEO of Greenskies. “Solar delivers substantial energy cost savings, as well as long-term environmental benefits. When schools install solar, it’s really the kids who win the most.”
These solar projects were made possible through a 15-year solar PPA with Greenskies, enabling the school district to install the solar systems at no cost and purchase the electricity they generate at a reduced rate while also outsourcing operation and maintenance costs for the 15-year term.
“Pfister Energy is thrilled to see the solar project at Wanaque Public Schools come to fruition,” said Sean Quin, senior VP of strategy and business development at Pfister. “We are proud to partner with Greenskies and the Wanaque BOE to help reduce the operating costs as well as achieve the sustainability goals of the school district. This project will benefit both the students and the community.”
Patrick McQueeney, Superintendent of Schools, added: “Pursuing solar installations at our school buildings was an opportunity to reduce operating costs, decrease greenhouse gas emissions and create educational opportunities for students. It sends a highly visible message to the Wanaque community that clean energy is attainable.”
News item from Greenskies Clean Energy