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EVLO grid-scale ESS achieves UL 9540 certification

EVLO Energy Storage, wholly owned subsidiary of Hydro-Québec, announced that its latest generation battery energy storage system, the EVLOFLEX, has achieved UL 9540 certification.

“UL 9540 certification provides critical third-party validation of our approach to safety throughout the development and operation of our EVLOFLEX systems,” said Sonia St-Arnaud, President and CEO of EVLO. “Our commitment to safety, performance, and continuous innovation is a leading factor in why our customers and partners choose to work with us.”

As an initial step toward UL 9540 certification, the EVLOFLEX completed UL 9540A testing last year, which confirmed that the mitigation strategy implemented in the EVLOFLEX BESS prevented the cascading of thermal runaway by slowing down propagation and containing it within a single module, maintaining a low severity level for the event. The UL 9540 certification also encompasses other safety features, such as EVLO’s integration of both active and passive approaches for the dilution of combustion gases outlined in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard 855: 2020, NFPA 69 chapter 8. This means that during a thermal runaway event the EVLOFLEX will safely vent gases even if not connected to auxiliary power.

News item from EVLO


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