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Energy Toolbase platform adds solar + storage modeling to show utility bill savings

Energy Toolbase has added a new feature to its ETB Developer product to model savings from solar and storage projects. The ability to model grid services and utility bill savings empowers solar and storage projects to leverage a wide variety of value streams, enhancing overall project economics and reliability. This new feature builds upon Energy Toolbase’s advanced modeling technology, which includes optimization across multiple behind-the-meter value streams, rapid forecasting during simulation, and access to a utility rates database. This new feature is now available to all ETB Developer subscribers.

“At Energy Toolbase, we are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with C&I solar and energy storage modeling,” said Nathan Gutzmann, Product Manager of Acumen EMS at Energy Toolbase. “Our co-optimization feature has the potential to transform project economics, turning marginal projects into economically attractive investments and empowering our customers to capitalize on new opportunities.”

The initial launch of this feature focuses on Demand Side Grid Support (DSGS), a popular California demand response program. However, Energy Toolbase is committed to expanding the range of supported grid services, ensuring that customers deploying projects anywhere can benefit from this functionality.

Leveraging insights gained from participation in grid services programs nationwide, ETB has fine-tuned ETB Developer and Acumen EMS controls software to address key industry challenges.

News item from ETB


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