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Enerflo, Aerialytic partner on AI-enabled solar design tool

Enerflo has partnered with Aerialytic to offer an integrated AI-enabled solar PV system design tool solution to sales dealers and installers.

Aerialytic’s instant AI solar designs are integrated with Enerflo’s Sales Core platform which supports the solar sales flow from lead qualification through signing a contract. With this integration, Enerflo users can generate new designs and interactive proposals for homeowners in just 90 seconds, significantly speeding up the sales process and reducing customer acquisition costs. All Enerflo partners are eligible to use the integration for an added low cost.

“Our vision has always been to make solar more accessible,” said CEO and Co-Founder of Aerialytic Bardia Andalib. “With Enerflo’s community of innovative and forward thinking solar installers and dealers, we’re thrilled to be working together to bring that vision to life by providing them with cheaper and faster solar designs.”

When requesting a new solar PV system design in Enerflo, high-res aerial imagery is pulled from NearMap. Then, Aerialytic’s proprietary technology reconstructs the roof and surrounding elements in 3D to calculate pitch, azimuth, roof heights, shading and setbacks to create an interactive max panel layout. Reps can work in real time to finalize the layout in Enerflo, with the best-performing panels auto-selected. Once the layout is finalized, reps can instantly create an interactive proposal for homeowners. Additionally, all financing, adders (batteries, smart home, etc.), contracting, change orders and more can be done without leaving Enerflo, enabling a more streamlined sales process from lead through contract.

“We can’t wait to get this integration into the hands of our partners,” said Enerflo Co-Founder, Pat Bennett. “The integration with Aerialytic comes at the perfect time, as solar businesses across the country struggle to maintain profitability. Being able to go from lead to proposal on the Enerflo platform in just 90 seconds, while lowering the cost per design, will be a great option for many installers and sales dealers.”

News item from Enerflo


It’s okay to break tradition. Today’s electricity needs are more sophisticated than ever, making traditional power a thing of the past. Switching to solar helps you get with the times while saving the planet.


Traditional power has adverse environmental effects from the coal and natural gases combusted during production. Solar offers all of the power with no extra cost and no harmful polutions..


Rather than digging up fossil fuels, solar energy is clean power from the sun - a renewable fuel source that won't go out in our lifetime. Every kW lowers your carbon footprint by over 3K pounds annually.

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