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Eguana energy storage systems now fully produced in San Jose, California

Eguana Technologies today announced that full turnkey production and supply chain management is now underway at the Omega EMS facility in San Jose, California. Every stage of energy storage system production is active including circuit board, inverter and system assembly, and final functional testing with multiple Omega personnel trained at each station. The company, along with key Omega personnel, continue to collaborate on throughput optimization within the manufacturing process.

“With demand scaling very quickly, we took the decision to expedite the full manufacturing and supply chain transition throughout the March quarter. Establishing full turnkey capability and increasing our manufacturing capacity was critical given the market feedback for steady supply,” said Eguana CEO Justin Holland. “Omega has also performed above and beyond expectation under very difficult circumstances to assist our development team in updating the product design in alignment with current supply chain constraints, all while reconfiguring their facility for energy storage production, assembly and test.”

Shipments of Omega-produced systems have begun, with current production capacity sitting at 400 units per month. Additional test equipment is on order and expected to be installed and commissioned within the next two quarters, providing an 800 unit per month production capacity.

“We are very pleased to have all the pieces in place and to have continuous production here in the San Jose California facility. Market response has been excellent and we have already begun expanding our operations to accommodate expected demand increases,” said Chris Alessio, president of Omega EMS. “With our engineering development and supply chain teams integrated as tightly as they are, we will continue to solve supply chain and material constraints to achieve our production objectives.”

News item from Eguana Technologies




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