
EcoFasten solar mounts now distributed through Sonepar USA

Solar mounting manufacturer EcoFasten has established a partnership with Sonepar USA for the national distribution of its PV roof attachments. This agreement expands Sonepar’s product offerings in solar roof attachments and racking systems.

“EcoFasten’s solutions for the market have primarily benefitted larger installers up until now,” said Andrew Jones, director of renewable energy at Sonepar USA. “With our new EcoFasten partnership, we will make their products accessible to solar installers of all sizes and enable enhanced services directly to regional and national solar installers.”

Sonepar USA operates in all 50 states through more than 400 branch locations. Some of its renewable energy partners include OneSource Distributors, NorthEast Electrical (NEEDCO), Independent Electric Supply, Capital Electric Supply, Codale Electric Supply, Cooper Electric, Springfield Electric Supply, North Coast Electric and Crawford Electric Supply.

“We are excited about our partnership with Sonepar in the United States and look forward to our close collaboration in servicing small to mid-size installers,” said Bart Leusink, CEO of EcoFasten. “The Sonepar companies will provide extended regional support through a local inventory of innovative rooftop mounting and racking solutions.”

News item from EcoFasten


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