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DESRI completes 80-MW Elektron solar project in Utah

D. E. Shaw Renewable Investments (DESRI) announced the 80-MWAC Elektron Solar Project has reached commercial operation. The project in Tooele County, Utah, began construction in 2021 and was acquired from Enyo Renewable Energy in 2020.

“We are thrilled to have completed construction on the Elektron Solar facility,” said Hy Martin, Chief Development Officer of DESRI. “While the solar industry has encountered headwinds in the past few years due to supply chain constraints and rising interest rates, this project was able to succeed due to the strong partnership from our customers and local stakeholders. Our team appreciates the ongoing support from the customers, Rocky Mountain Power and Tooele County.”

Elektron Solar has 20- and 25-year power purchase agreements with PacifiCorp under Rocky Mountain Power’s Schedule 34 for renewable energy purchases to serve demand from a consortium of Utah customers including Salt Lake City, Park City, Summit County, Utah Valley University, Vail Resorts on behalf of Park City Mountain, and Deer Valley Resort. The facility was contracted under Utah’s Schedule 34 and allows the customers to aggregate their electricity demand to be able to achieve economies of scale by contracting projects with capacity greater than 5 MW.

News item from DESRI


It’s okay to break tradition. Today’s electricity needs are more sophisticated than ever, making traditional power a thing of the past. Switching to solar helps you get with the times while saving the planet.


Traditional power has adverse environmental effects from the coal and natural gases combusted during production. Solar offers all of the power with no extra cost and no harmful polutions..


Rather than digging up fossil fuels, solar energy is clean power from the sun - a renewable fuel source that won't go out in our lifetime. Every kW lowers your carbon footprint by over 3K pounds annually.

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