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Aurora adds whole-home electrification tools to sales platform

Solar sales and design platform Aurora Solar is expanding into whole-home electrification and energy needs. Aurora’s new tools can aid with energy optimization, storage retrofit proposals and storage modeling.

According to Aurora Solar’s “2024 Solar Industry Snapshot,” 10% of homeowners want to electrify their home before considering solar and 37% feel solar panels are more valuable when paired with whole-home electrification. Aurora’s new whole home energy tools with Sales Mode allows U.S. residential solar companies to become trusted energy advisors by offering comprehensive clean energy proposals that increase credibility and deal value.

“We understand the unique challenges solar professionals face when it comes to selling solar, as well as the confusion homeowners often have around electrifying their home and going solar,” said Patrick Donahue, Chief Product Officer, Aurora Solar. “With Aurora’s new whole home energy tools, solar professionals and homeowners can partner to design a holistic clean energy solution, whether that means adding heat pumps, electric vehicles, more storage, or efficiency solutions as homeowners envision their electrified, resilient future home plans.”

Aurora’s set of whole home energy management features will be released throughout the summer; comprehensive storage modeling is available today.

News item from Aurora


It’s okay to break tradition. Today’s electricity needs are more sophisticated than ever, making traditional power a thing of the past. Switching to solar helps you get with the times while saving the planet.


Traditional power has adverse environmental effects from the coal and natural gases combusted during production. Solar offers all of the power with no extra cost and no harmful polutions..


Rather than digging up fossil fuels, solar energy is clean power from the sun - a renewable fuel source that won't go out in our lifetime. Every kW lowers your carbon footprint by over 3K pounds annually.

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