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Array Technologies debuts 2 new single-axis solar trackers

Array Technologies is launching two new single-axis solar tracker solutions, Array OmniTrack and Array STI H250, to expand its line of DuraTrack products.

The OmniTrack, STI H250 and DuraTrack product lines address varying customer requirements, meets the changing needs of the utility-scale solar industry and meet the Inflation Reduction Act’s domestic sourcing content requirements.

“The addition of OmniTrack and STI H250 to our continuously evolving product portfolio will help our U.S. customers to better address the unique challenges of their sites. Having a broader offering for our customers helps bring more clean energy to the market faster, advancing the clean energy transition,” said Kevin Hostetler, CEO of Array. “Array’s global reach, combined with locally-focused sourcing solutions, enhances our ability to deliver the best utility-scale solar solutions to our customers around the world.”

Array OmniTrack is designed for customers developing project sites on uneven and challenging terrain. Array’s OmniTrack terrain-following solution mitigates challenges associated with projects on undulating terrain and is designed to simplify project design. Array predicted a 98% reduction in site grading work when using OmniTrack.

Array acquired competing tracker manufacturer STI Norland in early 2022, bringing with it the STI H250. The tracker is designed for sites with highly angled blocks, or fragmented project areas.

Array is exhibiting at RE+ in Anaheim, California this week at booth #2004.

News item from Array Technologies


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