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Siemens AG signs agreement to procure Gamesa Electric central inverters

Siemens AG has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Gamesa Electric to use Gamesa Proteus central inverters for PV and energy storage projects.

The agreement between the two companies has a global reach, supplying equipment internationally from Gamesa Electric’s factories around the world, and will have an expected volume of GW scale per year. Under this agreement, Siemens will be able to provide its integrated solutions for solar and storage projects with Gamesa Electric Proteus inverters for PV and BESS projects, central inverters that are featured by their high-power output of up to 4700 kVA and a record efficiency of 99.45%.

The Gamesa Electric Proteus inverter was recognized in Munich with the Intersolar Award 2022 as the best PV product of the year.

“We are delighted to have a technologically cutting-edge product with the best performance on the market added to our portfolio,” said Ergys Frasheri, global head of PV at Siemens AG.

News item from Gamesa




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