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PV Hardware opens dedicated solar tracker factory in Houston

Today, PV Hardware USA (PVH USA) is holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new 50,000-square-foot, $30 million facility in Houston dedicated exclusively to manufacturing solar structures and trackers.

Credit: PV Hardware USA

“With the opening of this factory in Houston, PVH USA is affirming its unwavering commitment to solar energy development in the United States,” said Emilio García, CEO of PVH USA and COO Officer of PVH. “Our Houston operation will be a key player in the development of utility-scale solar energy across America, and we look forward to driving progress as a leading solar tracker manufacturer.”

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), solar power generation is expected to increase from 95 GW of total generating capacity to 131 GW in 2024, then climb to 174 GW by 2025. PVH USA’s factory in Houston employs more than 120 local workers and is the company’s third wholly-owned factory worldwide. The facility will provide custom-built solar tracking systems for new solar generation projects.

“We are committed to powering the solar revolution with U.S. manufacturing and workers,” Garcia said. “The incentives provided through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act are a tremendous opportunity to promote domestic manufacturing and support local communities. PVH USA aims to contribute to job creation and economic growth while bolstering the nation’s renewable energy infrastructure.”

Solar tracking technologies increase solar power generation by automatically moving solar panels to follow the sun throughout the day, optimizing the angle at which panels receive solar radiation. Established in San Francisco in 2008, PVH has developed systems and products that can adapt to different terrains, inclinations and climates. In addition, the company’s trackers and racking come pre-assembled to help reduce installation times.

News item from PV Hardware


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