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US will soon have access to JinkoSolar’s new 2,000-volt solar panel

JinkoSolar announced that its 2,000-V EAGLE Modules were the first in the world to be qualified as UL listed products for UL 61730-1 and UL 61730-2, and UL classified products for IEC 61215-1, IEC 61215-2 and IEC 61215-1-1.

JinkoSolar panels on the Kayenta Solar project. Credit: SOLV Energy

JinkoSolar worked with UL Solutions to certify this new module that surpasses the industry standard 1,500 V. Following certification, the 2,000-V EAGLE Modules will be deployed selectively in the United States in the third quarter of 2024, with general U.S. market availability in 2025.

The 2,000-V module increases string lengths for utility-scale projects, thus reducing the overall system level component costs and improving end-to-end efficiency with less energy loss. This enables a more competitive levelized cost of energy, and projects using JinkoSolar’s modules should see higher return on investment. This is the latest advancement in high voltage solar certification since 1,500-V modules first came onto the market eight years ago.

“We are always pleased to collaborate with industry innovators and technology leaders such as JinkoSolar,” said Colleen O’Brien, Principal Engineer of UL Solutions. “UL Solutions is dedicated to elevating industry competitiveness through the exploration of cutting-edge technologies while prioritizing safety in their application.”

“UL Solutions is synonymous with product safety and certification, so working with UL Solutions to achieve this 2,000-V milestone was a natural choice,” said Nigel Cockroft, General Manager of JinkoSolar (U.S.) Inc. “JinkoSolar’s expertise lies not just in advanced R&D but also in bringing those technologies to scale and making them available cost-competitively to our U.S. customers. We look forward to the 2,000-V EAGLE Modules making a tangible difference to our customers’ bottom lines.”

News item from JinkoSolar


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