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Maxeon sues REC and Hanwha for alleged TOPCon patent infringement

Solar panel assembly at Maxeon’s facility in Mexico.

Maxeon Solar Technologies announced on April 19 that it has initiated a patent infringement lawsuit in the Eastern District of Texas against REC Solar Holdings and Hanwha, alleging infringement of Maxeon patents relating to TOPCon (tunnel oxide passivated contact) solar cell technology.

After buying Solaria’s shingled-cell technology patents last year, Maxeon now holds over 1,650 granted patents and over 330 pending patent applications related to interdigitated back contact (IBC), shingled hypercell and TOPCon solar technology. The company announced last year that it was investigating several companies for infringement of Maxeon’s patents. Maxeon also initiated a patent infringement lawsuit against Canadian Solar in March 2024.

“Intellectual property infringement sits alongside injurious dumping and subsidy-driven excess global production capacity as an unfair trade practice that distorts markets and tilts what should be a level playing field for global solar manufacturing,” said Marc Robinson, Maxeon’s Associate General Counsel. “Maxeon strongly supports fair competition and will continue to vigorously enforce the company’s patent rights in the United States and its other markets.”

News item from Maxeon Solar Technologies


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