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UNC student organization to install solar on local affordable housing complex

University of North Carolina student-run organization SolarEquity recently received a solar panel donation from renewables solution provider Carolina Solar Services that the group intends to reinstall at an apartment complex in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

SolarEquity is working with EMPOWERment, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable housing for disadvantaged communities, to solarize the PEACH apartment complex. Local installer NC Solar Now will install the 42-kW system. The 10 apartment units are expected to see average monthly savings of $37 on their utility bills from the solar project.

“In short, the partnership has been a game changer. Through our partnership with EMPOWERment, SolarEquity has the ability to stimulate the proliferation of solar adoption amongst low-income housing, mitigating 1.5 million pounds of carbon from entering the atmosphere,” said Will Nichols, President of SolarEquity. “This initiative aligns perfectly with our mission to combat climate change and promote social justice. By addressing energy inequity, we take a significant step towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all.”

The PEACH Apartments, which broke ground in 2023, will be Chapel Hill’s first-ever affordable multi-unit complex with zero-debt funding. The development will provide 10 affordable, varied-layout units for households earning 30-60% of the average median income (AMI). This solar project represents a significant commitment to social justice and racial equity, aiming to reduce energy burdens for community members who need it most.

New item from SolarEquity


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