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WILOC releases software to speed up solar commissioning

WILOC has announced a complete set of digital tools to accelerate the commissioning of solar plants by 25% and ensure a constant and increasing production of sustainable energy.

As the United States accelerates its transition to renewable energy, the digitization of PV plants plays a key role in optimizing efficiency and ensuring a steady and increasing production of sustainable energy. WILOC’s SaaS Cloud Platform and On-Site Apps allow project owners to track of every single solar panel during the assembly phases, counting which parts are in the operating area and which are missing to complete the installation, ensuring that they are installed in the right place and kept in good condition.

WILOC’s IoT solutions enable real-time asset monitoring, improving overall plant performance, while material tracking and preventive maintenance solutions help to identify and rectify problems early, extend equipment life and reduce downtime, which is key to undertaking key challenges in the solar energy sector.

“Digital technologies, such as those offered by innovative companies like WILOC, not only streamline the commissioning process of solar plants, making them operational faster, but also provide real-time monitoring and preventive maintenance solutions,” said Adolfo García-Figueras, business development director. “This integration not only optimizes the performance of solar installations, but also contributes to the overall resilience and reliability of the energy grid, marking a substantial step towards a more efficient and sustainable energy transition in the United States.”

News item from WILOC


It’s okay to break tradition. Today’s electricity needs are more sophisticated than ever, making traditional power a thing of the past. Switching to solar helps you get with the times while saving the planet.


Traditional power has adverse environmental effects from the coal and natural gases combusted during production. Solar offers all of the power with no extra cost and no harmful polutions..


Rather than digging up fossil fuels, solar energy is clean power from the sun - a renewable fuel source that won't go out in our lifetime. Every kW lowers your carbon footprint by over 3K pounds annually.

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